Have you ever felt the urge to adorn your body with twinkling flashing safety lights or wear a reflective vest with its own glowing display? but lately you've been wanting to be a little more visible while driving. your evening walks. Increase your reflectivity without going the Christmas pageant route with Sugoi's Evolution Zap Short. Just like you Sugoi has recently decided to increase its popularity and the answer was Zap.
For brighter than tired reflective elements decorating your old shorts, it is visible at a distance of up to 140 meters giving motorists time to recognize your presence and plan accordingly. Sugoi specifically places the material on its clothing this way so that it emphasizes the racer's shape, warning motorists that that they are approaching a person and not towards a stationary road sign or reflector. Besides its luminescent nature , Evolution are versatile everyday shorts supportive and breathable. Also included is Sugoi's newly updated RC Pro suede with its stretchy Breathable blend of cushioning and support for long or short rides , during the day or at dusk.